Friday, March 15, 2013

Can you guess whats in my " bags "?

Yes it is bags. It´s not only newspaper pages. See plastic bags does not exist here !    I went to pick up some pictures I had gotten framed and while I was in the store I saw some

books that seemed interesting so I bought my first books in India, by Indians and about India. The store owner , who by the way is another nice lady,  threw in a childrens book about Indian tales just because she thought I would find it interesting. I like it just by looking at its cover !

Time for coffe and digging into the book of tales. Quite a nice way to start the weekend after a really busy week. I haven´t forgotten that I promised to post the easy and yummie dessert that I made the other night. 


  1. Skönt avbrott i arbetet - Indien tur och retur. Kram på Dig BloggarSanna (bloggkläder?)

  2. Så bra att jag kan bidra med något trots så långt borta !! kramisar
