Friday, February 7, 2014

One reason why traffic is so slow here

I have shown so many pictures from traffic but guess what ?
this was a first in Gurgaon.....all of a sudden we came to a stop and I literary mean stop.... I looked up
and saw that we where right in the middle of all these sheep.....guess I was kind of happy that it wasn't  a herd of elephants.....haha.....anyhow

I just don't understand where they all came from all of a sudden.....

so many...

I'm not sure that the sheep understood the sign , "don't overtake from left".....again haha.....
dear readers this was just another typical day in exotic India...
I still haven't got any answers from you readers about a good translation of " nu e de fredagsmys"
 by the way !
 it's that time of the week....fredag....friday....but here in India it's "only friday" since a lot of people work saturdays get one guess about our saturday....
got to go, so I'll see you tomorrow....I hope !


  1. LOL! Lovely pictures! As for "fredagsmys" there used to be "cozy Friday" in the US about 40 years ago.
